Hydatid disease is associated with the parasitic infestation of a tapeworm of the genus named Echinococcus. It is mostly passed between sheep and dogs. Other animals including dingoes, goats, horses and foxes are also involved. The dogs carry hydatid parasites in their bowel without any indication of an infection. Sheep are generally affected while grazing in certain areas contaminated by dog faeces. On the other hand dogs are infected by having the uncooked organs of dead sheep. This process leads to humans getting infected by eating (ingesting) parasitic eggs, in cases where there is hand-to-mouth transfer of these eggs in dog faeces. This occurs while people handle dogs or objects contaminated with dog excrement.
Cysts commonly occur in either liver or lungs, but may also occur in any other organ like heart, brain, and even bones. Cysts are diagnosed by CT scan, MRI, ultrasound or x-ray and sometimes even confirmed by a blood test. The cyst fluid’s microscopic examination is also required occasionally. The incubation period may vary from months to years depending upon the number of cysts, their location and their rapid growth. The most common form of treatment of the cysts is the surgical removal of them. Most often this is in association with a combination anti-parasitic drug therapy.